The City of Hubbard contracts with an outside waste management company for solid waste collection. Everyone within the city limits is required to have garbage collection.
Most trash and debris, when properly bundled and/or contained properly, can be disposed of at curbside with your regular garbage service days. If assistance is needed or you have questions for the city, please do not hesitate to contact us.
For questions specific to trash please contact City Hall.
Brush Policy: Due to limited manpower the City of Hubbard will not pick up brush that falls under the following conditions:
1. Sections that are over 6 feet in length
2. Sections or limbs that are over 6 inches in diameter
3. Brush from cleared off lots
4. Whole trees
5. Any brush that the homeowner paid individuals to do the service. (City will open brush field up for the individual who is performing the work).
Contact Info
Emily Wilson
Utility Clerk
118 N Magnolia, Hubbard, Texas 76648
254-576-2576 ext 201
Frequently Asked Questions
When are the garbage collection days for my street?
Trash collection is Tuesday of each week.
Can I get extra garbage containers?
Yes, you can get extra containers for a fee. Extra polycart will cost $5.44 more per month.
When do I have to have the polycare at curb side?
You must have your polycart at curb side of street by 7:00 am on the day of your pick-up.